Ethical fashion is garment design, production, and distribution that focuses on reducing harm to people and the planet. In the most ideal sense, it benefits those working along the supply chain and creates a better future for everyone not just for those at the top Ethical fashion is concerned with social impact and the ethics behind a brand’s label (though again, the term “ethics” here is vague). The phrase, which was coined rather recently, is thought to be the opposite fast fashion. Most consumers interpret ethical fashion as a term created in response to an industry that’s notorious for underpaying employees and in unsafe factories and working conditions, no less. Ethical fashion seeks to answer questions like “Who made this garment?” and “Is that person earning a fair living wage?” But it’s also much more than that.
Ethical fashion is important because the alternative that the majority of the world’s population turns to is completely unsustainable. Not only will its long term effects be absolutely detrimental to the health of the planet and the people on it, but we’re already seeing just how bad they can be.
According to The True Cost, the world’s population is consuming 400% more clothing than it was at the start of the millenium, cotton production is responsible for 18% of the world’s pesticide use and 25% of its insecticide use, and the amount of resources used to raise cattle for leather production is dramatically impacting the health of our planet. The production of fast fashion contaminates all forms of water bodies, and “is responsible for producing 20% of global wastewater”; and 97% of fast fashion garments are produced overseas, with emphasis on poor countries (thank you for this info, 7Billion for 7Seas). These are just a few of the reasons why ethical fashion is important.
Garment workers
On the 24th of April 2013, the Dhaka garment factory collapse, otherwise known as the Rana Plaza tragedy, occurred in Bangladesh. The structure that contained clothing factories and other businesses collapsed, killing 1,134 people. More than half of these people were women, and this number also includes children who were being cared for whilst their mothers were working in the factory. Cracks were discovered in the building the day before the collapse, but the owner of the building ignored warnings to discontinue using it, forcing garment workers to resume business as normal.
This tragic event should never have taken place, and serves as a cruel reminder as to just how important ethical production is. Fast fashion is responsible for the abuse and exploitation of not only the planet’s natural resources, but also the people who make our clothing. Garment workers, 80% of whom are women, are subjected to every form of abuse, as well as unsafe and unfair working conditions, and the Rana Plaza tragedy is just one of the many examples of why ethics in fashion matters.
We all know that the skin is our largest organ. We’re so careful with, and spend hundreds on, the products we put onto our skin, though there is something that does not make sense. What we seem to be forgetting is that the clothes we’ve purchased from our favourite fast fashion boutiques were soaked with chemicals at every stage of their production, and have ended up on our bodies. That’s just some food for thought.
From both a social and environmental viewpoint, ethical fashion is the only fashion model that should exist on this planet. We should bother with ethical fashion because we’re human. We should bother with ethical fashion, because we want to continue existing on this beautiful planet. The rate at which we’re using resources isn’t sustainable for mother earth. We should bother with ethical fashion, because “there is no beauty in the finest cloth if it makes hunger and unhappiness.”
]]>Zemenay values all the artwork that goes into each and every single design and apparel, a majority of the work is however done by their very talented fairly and ethically Paid embroidery artists and hand-weavers. These artists and weavers incorporate their beautiful pieces along with other fabrics. Moreover, we want each and every piece to carry a message and a story Zemenay is also conscious when it comes to sustainable fashion. Apart from waste management and recycling small things. Since there is already so much landfill and pollution caused by the fashion industry, they have planned on making on-demand production (made-to-order). In great plans in playing their role in making the earth clean again by reducing waste through this system. Additionally, they are committed to making their bestseller pieces in smaller batches only to satisfy the needs of ready to wear demands.
]]>Neque libero viverra lorem, ac tristique orci augue eu metus. Aenean elementum nisi vitae justo adipiscing gravida sit amet et risus. Suspendisse dapibus elementum quam, vel semper mi tempus ac.
]]>Nam at nisi risus. Proin pretium, dolor vel venenatis suscipit, dui nunc tincidunt lectus, ac placerat felis dui in justo. Aliquam orci velit, facilisis in facilisis non, scelerisque in massa. Integer scelerisque odio nec eros sodales laoreet. Sed sed odio tellus. In tristique felis ac facilisis tempor. Nunc non enim in dolor congue pulvinar sed sed nisi. Mauris viverra convallis feugiat. Nam at mauris laoreet, dictum leo at, tristique mi. Aenean pellentesque justo vel diam elementum iaculis. Nam lobortis cursus vestibulum. Nulla feugiat mauris felis, auctor pretium dui euismod in.
Vestibulum et enim vitae lectus malesuada aliquam vitae non mi. Suspendisse tellus eros, ultricies nec lorem feugiat, pharetra auctor dui. Suspendisse placerat neque leo, nec commodo eros ultrices vel. Fusce elit libero, aliquam quis libero non, consectetur accumsan est. Proin tempus mauris id cursus posuere. Sed et rutrum felis, vel aliquet ante. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque neque tellus, condimentum non eros non, consectetur auctor lacus. Curabitur malesuada odio eget elit egestas porttitor.
]]>Nam at nisi risus. Proin pretium, dolor vel venenatis suscipit, dui nunc tincidunt lectus, ac placerat felis dui in justo. Aliquam orci velit, facilisis in facilisis non, scelerisque in massa. Integer scelerisque odio nec eros sodales laoreet. Sed sed odio tellus. In tristique felis ac facilisis tempor. Nunc non enim in dolor congue pulvinar sed sed nisi. Mauris viverra convallis feugiat. Nam at mauris laoreet, dictum leo at, tristique mi. Aenean pellentesque justo vel diam elementum iaculis. Nam lobortis cursus vestibulum. Nulla feugiat mauris felis, auctor pretium dui euismod in.
Vestibulum et enim vitae lectus malesuada aliquam vitae non mi. Suspendisse tellus eros, ultricies nec lorem feugiat, pharetra auctor dui. Suspendisse placerat neque leo, nec commodo eros ultrices vel. Fusce elit libero, aliquam quis libero non, consectetur accumsan est. Proin tempus mauris id cursus posuere. Sed et rutrum felis, vel aliquet ante. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque neque tellus, condimentum non eros non, consectetur auctor lacus. Curabitur malesuada odio eget elit egestas porttitor.
]]>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
]]>Ut eu imperdiet arcu. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras interdum porttitor quam at tempus. Sed quis rutrum lorem.
Ut eu imperdiet arcu. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras interdum porttitor quam at tempus. Sed quis rutrum lorem. Mauris vitae dui ut neque pulvinar mattis. Mauris sed tincidunt nisi. Ut porta quis lorem at consectetur. Mauris elementum vulputate metus, ut cursus felis dictum non. Sed in nulla metus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus at nunc eget ligula tristique scelerisque in et urna.
Pellentesque imperdiet, nunc id scelerisque scelerisque, nisi arcu hendrerit leo, vel volutpat arcu mi in risus. Vestibulum iaculis molestie venenatis. Donec faucibus elit quis enim porta, id fringilla lectus feugiat. Sed et diam fermentum, elementum elit et, placerat nisi. Sed vehicula nibh sed tellus elementum condimentum. Fusce laoreet lorem ipsum, vitae aliquam arcu gravida gravida. Nunc eget tristique sem, eu ornare ligula.
Pellentesque facilisis lobortis volutpat. Etiam non suscipit velit, vitae ornare eros. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus eu auctor metus, et porta justo. Vivamus suscipit fermentum ante, eu dignissim orci. Proin faucibus quis orci a dictum. Nulla ac nibh neque. Curabitur eu justo massa.